Learning & Development Translations

Learning in Any Language™

NGO Languages was founded in 2001 and has seen many translation companies attempt to provide eLearning localization services. However, many of those providers simply translate learning content without a cultural evaluation of the content, the learner, and the way the message is delivered and consumed by a global audience. Local relevance is paramount to learning and audience engagement.

For eLearning localization to be effective, your language solutions provider must take a more proactive and comprehensive approach to the translation and localization of multimedia and eLearning content. For this reason, NGO works hand in hand with our sister company, Global eLearning to tackle those specific needs.


The Needs of Learning Professionals

We have listened to many Chief Learning Officers, Learning Directors, and Instructional Designers who have explained over the years their requirements of terminology, SME contribution, interactivity integrity, authoring tool nuances, LMS functionalities, time pressures, internal reviewer buy-off, and many other factors specific to the L&D industry.

Our focus is purely providing the best-in-class localization services so that all of this hard work can be presented on a global stage to a global learner.

Our Global eLearning team is laser-focused on the complex needs of eLearning localization and the Learning & Development professionals who take great care in developing training and source content. Furthermore, we help you ensure the highest levels of engagement for your eLearning materials.


Why Is Localization Crucial?

While English still dominates the United States, numerous other languages are utilized in satellite offices, foreign markets, and emerging economies. As you work to expand globally, it’s in your best interest to adapt your content to these languages and cultures. Language-optimized training content means your diverse global employees will better understand the material and have an improved capacity to complete their job to your high standards.

Most of all, proper localization shows you care. The majority of employees would prefer to learn in their native language. By affording them this opportunity, you show you care about their needs and preferences. eLearning in your employees’ native language means higher engagement and employee satisfaction. The increased productivity associated with these benefits will eventually bolster your bottom line.


Consider Our Array of Language Solutions

eLearning localization isn’t the only step you should take when adapting your content to a global audience. Fortunately, NGO Languages can help with everything from translating financial reports to localizing multimedia presentations. Whatever content you’d like to adapt to another market, our linguists and project managers are at your side. Our Annapolis, MD-based team is here for you, no matter where in the United States you’re located.

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